17 August 2024 francis

The Importance Of Maids Insurance – Employer’s Guide

Singapore Employer with Indonesian Maid Myanmar Maid in Kitchen from Maid Agency

Our home is supposed to be a sanctuary but unfortunately, it can also be a hotbed of hazards. Examples of some common household injuries are cooking burns, cuts, falls from wet floors and sprains from lifting heavy household furniture. There are also accidents that are more serious that require hospitalization. These injuries can happen to people of all ages. Accidents happen, even to the best of us.

As an employer of foreign domestic workers in Singapore, it’s crucial to understand the importance of domestic helpers insurance, not only for legal compliance but also for the protection and well-being of both the helper and your household expenses. We all know that medical bills in Singapore are costly, therefore having your domestic helper covered with a good insurance plan will give you peace of mind.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the legal aspects, costs, coverage, benefits and consequences of failing to insure your domestic helpers.


What Employers Need to Know

What Are The Legal Aspects Of Maids Insurance?

In Singapore, maids insurance is mandatory. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) requires employers to provide insurance coverage for their maids as part of the work permit application process. This insurance must include personal accident coverage of at least SGD 60,000 per year and hospitalization coverage of at least SGD 15,000 per year.

Without proper insurance, employers in Singapore can be held personally liable for any accidents, injuries, or illnesses that their domestic helpers may experience during their employment. This can lead to significant financial burdens and legal complications. I am sure as an employer, the last thing you want is to be forced into paying a large sum of medical expenses in the event of accidents involving your maid.

Insurance coverage is a prerequisite for obtaining or renewing a maid’s work permit in Singapore. Failure to maintain valid insurance can result in the cancellation of the maid’s work permit and potential fines or penalties for the employer.


What Is The Cost Of Insurance Coverage?

The cost of domestic helper insurance in Singapore varies depending on several factors:

Coverage Limits:

Higher coverage limits generally result in higher premiums. Basic plans that meet minimum legal requirements are usually more affordable than comprehensive plans with additional benefits.

Helper’s Age and Health:

Some insurers may adjust premiums based on the domestic helper’s age and pre-existing health conditions.

Policy Duration:

Annual policies are common, but some insurers offer two-year plans that may provide cost savings over the long term.

Additional Riders:

Optional add-ons, such as dental coverage or outpatient benefits, can increase the overall cost of the policy.

As of 2024, the average cost of a basic domestic helper insurance policy in Singapore ranges from SGD 200 to SGD 400 per year. These figures are approximate and can vary based on the factors mentioned above and the specific insurer chosen.


What Does The Insurance Cover?

Standard domestic helper insurance policies in Singapore typically include the following coverage:

Personal Accident Insurance

This covers accidental death or permanent disability, providing financial protection for the helper or their beneficiaries.

Hospitalization and Surgical Expenses

Coverage for inpatient treatment, including room and board, surgical procedures, and intensive care unit stays.

Outpatient Treatment

Some policies include coverage for outpatient visits, although this may be limited or offered as an optional add-on.

Repatriation Expenses

Covers the cost of returning the helper to their home country in case of death, serious illness, or contract termination.


What Are Employer’s Liabilities?

Protects the employer against claims arising from injuries or illnesses sustained by the helper during the course of employment.

Wage Compensation

Provides a daily allowance to the helper in case of hospitalization or temporary incapacitation.

Termination And Re-hiring Expenses

Some policies cover the costs associated with terminating a helper’s contract and hiring a replacement in case of critical illness or accidental injury.


What Are The Benefits Of Maid Insurance?

Investing in comprehensive domestic helper insurance offers numerous benefits:

Legal Compliance

Ensures that employers meet all legal requirements, avoiding potential fines or penalties.

Financial Protection

Shields employers from unexpected medical expenses or liability claims that could otherwise lead to significant financial strain.

Peace of Mind

Provides reassurance that both the employer and the domestic helper are protected in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Improved Employer-Employee Relationship

Demonstrates care and responsibility towards the helper’s well-being, potentially leading to better job satisfaction and loyalty.

Access to Quality Healthcare

Ensures that domestic helpers can receive necessary medical treatment without delay or financial burden.

Simplified Claims Process

Professional insurers handle the claims process, reducing administrative burden on employers.

Additional Services

Some insurance providers offer value-added services such as 24/7 helplines, medical advice, or assistance with work permit-related matters.


Can Domestic Helpers Work Without Insurance Coverage?

The short answer is no, domestic helpers in Singapore should not work without insurance coverage. Here’s why:

Legal Requirement

In Singapore, insurance is a legal requirement. Working without insurance is a violation of labor laws and work permit regulations.

Risk To The Helper

Without insurance, domestic helpers are exposed to significant financial risk in case of accidents, illnesses, or injuries sustained during their employment.

Risk To The Employer

Employers who fail to provide insurance coverage can face severe legal and financial consequences, including fines, penalties, and personal liability for any claims arising from the helper’s employment.

Work Permit Issues

Lack of insurance can lead to the cancellation or non-renewal of the domestic helper’s work permit, potentially disrupting the household and the helper’s employment status.


What Happens If A Maid Is Caught Working Without Insurance?

The consequences of a domestic helper working without insurance in Singapore can be severe for both the helper and the employer:

For the Employer:

Employers may face hefty fines for failing to comply with insurance requirements. They may be subject to legal proceedings, especially if the helper suffers an injury or illness during employment. Employers may be blacklisted from hiring domestic helpers in the future. In extreme cases, employers could face criminal charges for willful non-compliance with labor laws.

For The Domestic Helper:

The domestic helper’s work permit may be revoked, leading to immediate termination of employment. Helpers found working without proper insurance may be deported to their home country. A record of working without insurance can make it challenging to secure future employment opportunities abroad.

For Both Parties:

Authorities may require the helper to cease work immediately until proper insurance is obtained. Employers may be given a short grace period to obtain the required insurance coverage, often with additional penalties.



Domestic helper insurance is not just a legal requirement in Singapore; it’s a crucial aspect of responsible employment practices. It provides essential protection for both employers and domestic helpers, ensuring financial security and peace of mind in the face of unforeseen circumstances. The costs associated with insurance are far outweighed by the potential risks and consequences of being uninsured.

Lastly, as an employer, it’s vital to stay informed about the latest insurance requirements and options available in Singapore. Regularly review and update your domestic helper’s insurance policy to ensure it meets both legal standards and the evolving needs of your household. By prioritizing proper insurance coverage, you’re not only complying with the law but also fostering a safer, more secure working environment for your domestic helper and your family.

Give our agents a call if you have any queries pertaining to hiring a maid in Singapore or maid insurance. Our agents at Hire A Maid are ready to answer your questions and provide advice to best suit your family needs and dynamics. Hire A Maid is a reliable maid agency in Singapore specialized in both Myanmar maids and Indonesian maids.

If you are looking for a skilled Myanmar maid or Indonesian maid, do not hesitate to give our dedicated team a call today!

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