7 October 2024 francis

Understanding Domestic Helpers Contract In Singapore: What You Need to Know

foreign domestic worker talking to maid agency agent in singapore for employment contract

One of the most important aspects when hiring a maid is the understanding of the contractual obligations and expectations of both the employer and the maid. As an employer in Singapore looking to hire a domestic helper, understanding the legal obligations and contract details is crucial. Especially for first time employers, it is advisable to consult a reliable maid agency such as Hire A Maid to understand the process and documentation required to ensure you comply with Singapore’s labour law.

Both employers and domestic helpers should understand this legally binding document to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure both parties’ interests are fairly cared for. Understanding what type of insurance coverage, payment terms, working hours, job scope, housing arrangements, leave benefits and off days will help to ensure a good employer-employee relationship.

In this article, we will walk you through the key aspects of a domestic helper contract, including important clauses, tips for employers, and what you need to know when working with maid agencies. Are you ready? Let’s begin!


Legal Obligations For Employers When Hiring A Maid

When hiring a domestic helper in Singapore, employers must adhere to specific legal requirements set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). First and foremost, employers need to obtain a valid work permit for their domestic helper before she can start working. Medical insurance coverage of at least S$15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery is mandatory. Additionally, a minimum coverage of S$60,000 for personal accident insurance is required. Employers must also purchase a S$5,000 security bond for non-Malaysian helpers.

First-time domestic helpers are required to attend the Settling-in Programme within three working days of arrival in Singapore. Employers must provide at least one rest day per week or compensation in lieu of rest days, and it is essential to pay the agreed-upon salary on time while maintaining a record of payment. Ensuring safe working and living conditions for domestic helpers is another critical responsibility for employers.


Work Permit

Employers must obtain a valid work permit for their domestic helper before they can start working.


Medical Insurance

Employers are required to provide medical insurance coverage of at least S$15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery.


Personal Accident Insurance

A minimum coverage of S$60,000 for personal accident insurance is mandatory.


Security Bond

Employers must purchase a S$5,000 security bond for non-Malaysian helpers.


Settling-in Programme

First-time domestic helpers must attend the Settling-in Programme within three working days of arrival in Singapore.


Rest Days

Employers must provide at least one rest day per week or compensation in lieu of rest days.



Employers must pay the agreed-upon salary on time and provide a record of payment.


Safe Working Conditions

Employers are responsible for providing safe working and living conditions for their domestic helpers.


Hiring A Maid Through A Maid Agency – What Employers Need To Know

When engaging a maid agency to hire a domestic helper, reviewing and signing a contract is a significant step. The contract should clearly state the breakdown of all fees charged by the agency, including placement fees, administrative costs, transport costs and any other charges. Terms and conditions for refunds in case the placement is unsuccessful or if the helper terminates the contract early must be outlined. It is important to understand the agency’s policy for replacing a helper if the initial placement does not work out, as well as the service guarantee and support provided throughout the employment period.

The contract should also include comprehensive information about the helper’s work experience, skills and personal background. A clear outline of the helper’s job scope, working hours, rest days and salary is necessary, along with conditions under which either party can terminate the contract and the associated procedures.


Agency Fees

Look for a clear breakdown of all fees charged by the agency, including placement fees, transport charges, administrative costs, and any other charges.


Refund Policy

Terms and conditions for refunds in case the placement is unsuccessful or if the helper terminates the contract early.


Replacement Policy

Details on the agency’s policy for replacing a helper if the initial placement doesn’t work out.


Service Guarantee

Information on the agency’s service guarantee and support provided throughout the employment period.


Domestic Helper’s Background

Comprehensive information about the maid’s work experience, skill sets and personal background. This information will greatly help you make the most informed decision.


Employment Terms

Clear outline of the helper’s job scope, working hours, rest days and salary.


Termination Clauses

Conditions under which either party can terminate the contract and the associated procedures.


What Are The Key Aspects Of A Domestic Helper Contract

To ensure a smooth working relationship with your domestic helper, consider the following tips when drafting or reviewing the employment contract. Clearly defining job responsibilities, working hours and expectations can help avoid misunderstandings. It is a good practice to specify details about accommodation, meals, special dietary needs and any other living arrangements. Establish guidelines for communication, including the use of mobile phones and social media during working hours and consider including a confidentiality clause to protect your family’s privacy.

Provisions for salary reviews or increments based on performance and length of service can also be beneficial. Clearly stating policies regarding overtime work and compensation is essential and you may want to ask the maid agency to include a dispute resolution clause that outlines the process for resolving conflicts or disagreements between employer and helper.

Lastly, ensure the following essential clauses are included in the contract; specify the duration of employment, including start and end dates. Another important point is to outline the helper’s duties and responsibilities. Define regular working hours, including start and end times for each day and state the number of rest days per week and policies or compensation if required to work on public holidays or rest days.

The contract should specify your maid’s monthly salary, payment date and how she can receive her payment, for example through a bank account in her name. It is also necessary to inform your maid about her living and meal arrangements. Outline the employer’s obligations regarding medical care and insurance coverage and specify the number of days of annual leave the helper is entitled to, if any. Include conditions under which either party can terminate the contract and the required notice period, and state the employer’s responsibility for repatriation costs at the end of the assignment.


Be Clear And Specific

Clearly define job responsibilities, working hours and expectations to avoid misunderstandings with your maid.


Outline Communication Expectations

Establish guidelines for communication, including the use of mobile phones and social media during working hours. It is best to set the rules before your maid starts work.


Include A Confidentiality Clause

Protect your family’s privacy by including a confidentiality agreement in the contract such as no disclosure of family members particulars to others, no sharing of family videos online etc…


Discuss Salary Increments

Consider including provisions for salary reviews or increments based on performance and length of service. This helps your maid feel valued for the hard work she has done.


Address Overtime

Clearly state policies regarding overtime work and compensation.


Include A Dispute Resolution Clause

Outline the process for resolving conflicts or disagreements between employer and domestic helper.


Duration Of Contract

Specify the duration of employment, if it’s 1 year or 2 years contract including start and end dates.


Job Responsibilities

Clearly outline the helper’s duties and responsibilities. Let your helper know her job duties and what are your expectations.


Working Hours

Define regular working hours, including start and end times for each day.


Rest Days And Public Holidays

State the number of rest days a maid is entitled to per week and policies regarding working on public holidays.


Salary And Payment Terms

Inform your maid the date when she can withdraw her monthly salary and ensure that  she understands how the monthly salary is calculated.


Accommodation And Food

Detail the living arrangements, preferably to have a separate bedroom for your maid. Employers can also ask if the maid has special dietary needs and allow her to prepare her own special food. This helps the maid to feel comfortable and confident in a new environment.


Medical Care

Outline the employer’s obligations regarding medical care and insurance coverage.


Termination Clause

Include conditions under which either party can terminate the contract and the required notice period.



State the employer’s responsibility for repatriation costs at the end of the employment period.


Which Maid Agency Should You Choose ?

When working with maid agencies in Singapore, employers should ensure that the agency is accredited by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and has a good reputation and online presence. The MOM has implemented a fee cap on maid agencies, limiting the fees they can charge to one month’s salary per year of the helper’s contract, up to a maximum of two months’ salary.

It is crucial to verify that the helper’s bio-data provided by the agency is accurate and up-to-date. Many agencies offer video interviews with potential helpers, providing an opportunity to assess the helper’s suitability. Carefully review the agency’s contract and ensure all terms are clearly stated and agreeable to both parties. Inquire about the agency’s support services, including assistance with work permit applications and handling of disputes.

Be aware of the helper’s rights as stipulated by the MOM, including rest days and acceptable living conditions. Consider any cultural or religious requirements the helper may have and discuss these with the agency. Ask about any pre-employment training or orientation programs offered by the agency for the helper, and request references from other clients who have used the agency’s services.


Agency Accreditation

Ensure that the maid agency is accredited by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and has a good reputation.


Fee Cap

The MOM has implemented a fee cap on maid agencies, limiting the fees they can charge to one month’s salary per year of the helper’s contract, up to a maximum of two months’ salary.


Bio-data Accuracy

Verify that the helper’s bio-data provided by the agency is accurate and up-to-date.


Interview Process

Many agencies offer video interviews with potential helpers. Take advantage of this opportunity to assess the helper’s work experiences and if she is what your family is looking for.


Contract Review

Carefully review the agency’s contract and ensure all terms are clearly stated and agreeable to both parties. Also, choose an agency like Hire A Maid, with no hidden cost or fees. This is extremely important if you are working within a budget and do not want to be surprised with hidden charges.


Support Services/Mediation

Inquire about the agency’s support services, including assistance to provide accommodation when employers are overseas, applications of all permits, make appointments for health screening and handling of disputes when it arises.


Helper’s Rights

Be aware of the helper’s rights as stipulated by the MOM, including rest days and acceptable living conditions.


Cultural Sensitivity

Consider any cultural or religious requirements the helper may have and discuss these with the agency ensuring a mutual understanding and respect.


Training and Orientation

Ask about any pre-employment training or orientation programs offered by the agency for the helper. Hire A Maid, provides skilled and qualified domestic helpers with extensive training programs before their placement. Many of our Myanmar maids have professional certification in elder care.



Request references from previous employers who have used the agency’s services.



Understanding domestic helper contracts in Singapore is essential for both employers and domestic helpers to ensure a harmonious working relationship. By familiarizing yourself with the legal obligations, contract details and important clauses, you can create a clear and fair agreement that protects both yourself and your helper’s interests. When working with maid agencies, choose a reliable maid agency, carefully review all contracts and stay informed about your responsibilities as an employer. By following these guidelines, you can establish a positive and productive relationship with your domestic helper while complying with Singapore’s employment regulations.

Hiring a maid from a Licensed maid agency offers unparalleled benefits, from ensuring safety and reliability to providing professional and trained assistance tailored to your customized household’s needs. This approach not only brings peace of mind but also ensures that the process is convenient, legal and beneficial for both employers and maids. Whether you’re looking for someone to assist with daily chores or care for elderly or children, engaging Hire A Maid agency is your best bet when looking for a domestic helper in Singapore.

Hire A Maid is a reliable maid agency in Singapore specialized in both Myanmar maids and Indonesian maids.

If you are looking for a skilled Myanmar or Indonesian maid, do not hesitate to give our dedicated team a call today!

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